‘I have always been impressed by the effect RK has on me, and what I take from her demeanor toward others. RK manages somehow to put people at their ease and at the same time inspire them i.e. she is accepting of people as they are and is challenging in the way she can make one think. Elise Lykins-Trevatt, Director of Training, Core Trust – London, England
She has a sharp intellect and a very warm and compassionate disposition. Her own mixed ethnicity gives her a very valuable insight into the multi-ethnic and multi-racial community in which we live. Lyn Owens Ward, Clinical Supervisor
Rahel’s contributions to the staff have been significant. Other therapists seek her out as a peer resource and her participation during training sessions has often benefitted others. Rahel is both well liked and well respected – a combination that is not often easy to achieve. She has both a cognitive/academic and personal/instinctive grasp of psychology and her talent for working with people is extensive. Rahel is a rare human being - her presence makes wherever she is a better place to be. Carol Weinberg, Program Director Towson, MD
(In a letter sent to University Program Director) I wanted to tell you that I think Rahel Saroff is an amazing therapist, I think she is brilliant, she seems to have a natural perception about everything and she is so knowledgeable, so thank you for that. It’s a bit scary that she is so good. Does that just develop naturally or is it taught? I think it must be a bit of both. Yasmin Jabbar, Psychotherapy Intern
In my professional dealings with Ms. Saroff, I have found her to be knowledgeable, professional, very caring for those she works with, and a person of great integrity. She works in a very responsible and ethical manner and maintains an ability to think outside the box in order to find ways to best serve her clients. Hon. Raymond R. Norko, Presiding Judge, Community Court in Hartford
Thank you so much for all the kind and unconditional support you have given me to reassemble my life, and make some sense of the years ahead…you must never underestimate the value that I put on the input you have had, and I will always remember you. You’ve helped me to laugh at things and smile again. H.E. – Simsbury, Connecticut
I have a completely different outlook now. Thank you. When I wake up in the morning, I greet the day. It feels like what I do means something.
L.C – W. Hartford, Connecticut
I always leave our conversations with better tools to live my life. C.S – Hartford, Connecticut
I love you Rahel! You are the only one who ever listened and made me feel like I mattered and that I’m not a wheelchair! I am not my illness! I am a human being with unique gifts and someone who matters! E. C. - Hartford, Connecticut